The Fleshtrailers

Race:  Nurgle
Coach:  Ler™
A team full of bumbling try hards, they played themselves and their coach into exhaustion four seasons ago, but are back to try to win a trophy that they've had their eye on for quite some time....

The Fleshtrailers team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
July 1st, 2009 - old news
For a team that's starting over...
We sure just put the final boot in on Chaotica!!

Coach Black Todd had to concede at the start of the second half.

Fuggin Uckly is now playing for the Nurgle.

And as a personal note of interest, i have been trying to kill Todd's #8, Ron Post, for the last three seasons and today I gave him the Str. Down that resulted in his firing! This is the third Stat down I, speaking as a coach, have inflicted on that precocious little bastard and I finally did him in.
Yeah Tyler!!
- Ler™
June 20th, 2009 - old news
Nurgle Starting over!
Chaotica extracted sweet revenge last night in the form of fucking murder.

Todd managed to kill my favorite player in every position except the beast who is still kickin'.

Pick up the pieces and pick up the pieces. (Cuz we're lepers, get it?)
- Ler™
June 8th, 2009 - old news
He's finally Dead!
In a post-game Press Release, head offensive co-ordinator, Bogspoor, had this to say in response to the Death of Jawbone Fragments.

"We've been trying to get that lousy son of a bitch killed for the last 7 games! We even stopped telling him when practice was, he didn't have a clue out there. It was only a matter of time before he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. For what it cost to keep him on the team, I'm glad he's gone."
- Ler™
June 3rd, 2009 - old news
Those Underworld came to play!
The shambling lepers met with a huge surprise tonight as the soaring gobbo's with many heads scored T.D.after T.D.

It is with great pride and respect that the Nurgle lose to this fantastic team of fragile little mutant freaks.

Well played coach babytaker. Look out for this team in the future. They're going to be terrors.
- Ler™
Tournaments played:
The Dungeonbowl
Trophies won:

Spineshank is funny looking.

Spineshank is ready for a new season...

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